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What would you do if the one you loved was forced to leave you? How would you spend your days with him or her? This is how Shiver’s Grace...
The Awakening
The Awakening is the first book of the Vampire Diaries series. It tells the story of Elena, a high school student who is incredibly...
Breaking Dawn
When you start reading Breaking Dawn, the fourth and final book in the Twilight series, it's hard to imagine that the saga could get any...
Howl's Moving Castle
Howl’s Moving Castle is a fantasy book that follows Sophie Hatter, a young woman who lives in a land where it’s “quite a misfortune to be...
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J.K. Rowling delivers an emotionally-charged, action-packed, and completely satisfying...
Here he goes again! Grubbs is back, but unfortunately so is Lord Loss. Many good things are happening in the life of Grubbs Grady. His...
The Hobbit
The Hobbit is a classic hero quest story, which has become the inspiration and template for the modern fantasy genre. It is also an...
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
It is summer and Harry Potter can’t wait till the break is over, so he can be back where he belongs – at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft...
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