J.K. Rowling reveals her favourite Harry Potter chapter
For many Harry Potter fans, it’s hard enough choosing a favourite book, let alone chapter from the series.
J.K. Rowling, however, has no such problem. One Twitter user asked the author: "If you had to choose one chapter from the entire HP series as your favourite, what would you choose?”
Only a minute later, Rob McCarter had his answer: Chapter 34 in the Deathly Hallows, 'The Forest Again'.
In the chapter - featured in the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Harry enters the Forbidden Forest to confront Voldemort.
On the way he discovers the cracked Resurrection stone inside the snitch. In the stone, he sees the loved ones who died protecting him - Sirius, Lupin and his parents - all of whom comfort him as he believes he is soon going to die alongside 'he-who-must-not-be-named'.
Rowling went on to admit she cried while writing the chapter, as did many fans. One Twitter user wrote to her saying: “Really? Because I bawled."
She responded: “So did I, but it was the culmination of 17 years' work and the most cathartic piece of writing of my life.”
Rowling has made numerous Harry Potter revelations through Twitter including that there are no tuition fees for Hogwarts, Harry studied alongside LGBT student ("But of course", she wrote) and that Uncle Vernon is a big fan of Top Gear.